Source : "The Olympics and the Spirit of Sport" by Richard Attias, July 27, 2012.
#Sports Quotes #Space Quotes #People Quotes
Source : Mu Soeng, Jaimal Yogis (2010). “Saltwater Buddha: A Surfers Quest to Find Zen on the Sea (Large Print 16pt)”, p.72,
Source : Sue Halpern (2011). “Migrations to Solitude”, p.144, Vintage
“Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.”
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Carla Bruni
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Former Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment of France
Francois Hollande
President of France
Jacques Chirac
Former President of France
Jean-Marie Le Pen
French Politician
Nicolas Sarkozy
Former President of France
Omar Bongo
Gabonese Politician
Valerie Trierweiler