#Nine Quotes #Tongue Quotes #Disappointed Quotes
“I am receptive to the inflow and outpouring of the universe.”
Source : "Democracy Now!" with Amy Goodman, www.counterpunch.org. August 18, 2004.
“Get comfortable with the idea that you won’t know what’s good until it’s already happened.”
Source : "Jad Abumrad" by Sydney Lewis, transom.org. July 26, 2012.
“You got to know what's worth keeping and what's worth letting go.”
“My philosophy has always been simple: Believe in yourself.”
Charles A. Beard
Edward Everett
Former U.S. Senator
Francis Parkman
James K. Polk
11th U.S. President
Jared Sparks
John Lothrop Motley
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President
William H. Prescott
Rob Wittman
U.S. Representative