Chris Karrer
"The normal citizen looked at us and saw a mixture of gangster, hippy, criminal and ape. Once somebody rang us up with a nice voice and asked if they could do a feature article on us about how a commune works. They came and asked us questions, took our photos and disappeared. One week later the article appeared and it said: 'This kind of community stinks and if this is the future of Germany then we need Adolf back.'" --
Chris Karrer
#Nice Quotes
#Voice Quotes
#Community Quotes
“Starbucks has kept me in the ministry.”
“Forty is better than 30. I have a better understanding of who I am, what makes me tick, what's okay and not okay.”
“We have people who are healers and those who posses a certain animal magnetism.”
“The abortion controversy is important for what it says about our stance toward procreation and children altogether.”
“My wife sent me a Valentine card that said, "Take my heart, take my lips, take my soul." That's just like her. She kept the good parts for herself.”
“If time has no beginning and no end, everything is happening, will happen, has happened, at the same moment. All eternity in a single moment.”
Source : Twitter post from Aug 26, 2013
“Modern cosmetic surgeons have a direct financial interest in a social role for women that requires them to feel ugly. They do not simply advertise for a share of a market that already exists: Their advertisements create new markets. It is a boom industry because it is influentially placed to create its own demand through the pairing of text with ads in women's magazines. The industry takes out ads and gets coverage; women get cut open. They pay their money and they takes their chances. As surgeons grow richer, they are able to command larger and brighter ad spaces.”
“I would run into the corner store, the bodega, and just grab a paper bag or buy juice - anything just to get a paper bag. And I'd write the words on the paper bag and stuff these ideas in my pocket until I got back. Then I would transfer them into the notebook.”