#Motivation Quotes #Excitement Quotes
“There is nothing wrong with God's plan that man should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow.”
Source : Algernon Sidney (1794). “Life, Memoirs,&c. of Algernon Sydney”, p.112
“In f-major, c* is a sonority contained within the overtones of the tonic f*.”
“All of the press and stuff - that's the scary stuff. The acting is what I got trained to do.”
“I hate the pollyanna pest who says that all is for the best.”
Source : Bergen Evans (1954). “The Spoor of Spooks: And Other Nonsense”, New York : Knopf
“Better the last smile than the first laughter.”
Source : John Ray (1855). “A Hand-book of Proverbs: Comprising an Entire Republication of Ray's Collection of English Proverbs, with His Additions from Foreign Languages. And a Complete Alphabetical Index; in which are Introduced Large Additions, as Well of Proverbs as of Sayings, Sentences, Maxims, and Phrases”, p.330
Anh Do
Brian Schmidt
David Eisenberg
Fiona Wood
Frank Macfarlane Burnet
Gustav Nossal
James D. Watson
Molecular Biologist
Peter Medawar