#Impossible Quotes
“Sometimes, when we are sad, we have to do the opposite of sad. Sometimes we have to sing.”
“Just when you think you’ve got Arranged figured out, time and again Catherine McKenzie delivers the flawless, unexpected twist that keeps you glued to the book.”
“He who wishes to fight must first count the cost”
“Don't worry, the fans don't start booing until July.”
“Many authors write like amateur blacksmiths making their first horseshoe; the clank of the anvil, the stench of the scorched leather apron, the sparks and the cursing are palpable, and this appeals to those who rank "sincerity" very high. Nabokov is more like a master swordsmith making a fine blade; nothing is amiss, nothing is too much, there is no fuss, and the finished product must be handled with great care, or it will cut you badly.”
“But in proverbe I have herde say,That who that wel his werk beginneth,The rather a good end he winneth.”
Source : John Gower (1857). “Confessio Amantis of John Gower”, p.4
“To be honest, I think kids have got a lot more going on than adults. They've got their heads screwed on a lot better.”
“The thing that hasn't changed, and I don't think will ever change, is that the operative word in music is "play." You have to have a playfulness about it. As the world shifts, it's starting to understand more and more that to have a playfulness about any and everything is actually the way of having a better life, or being more creative, or being more productive.”
Bokar Rinpoche
Chogyam Trungpa Teacher
Jamgon Kongtrul Writer
Thrangu Rinpoche
Thubten Yeshe
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Author