“Better use of space, improving the insulation, getting more daylight into the buildings, reducing the energy consumption of the air conditioning and heating systems, making sure that the internal air quality is good, that we have increased natural ventilation opportunities in the mid seasons. You know these are some of the things we can do.”
Source : "Q&A: Ken Yeang interview". CNN Interview, www.cnn.com. July 20, 2007.
“Music has always been transnational;”
“We have inherited a fear of memories of slavery. It is as if to remember and acknowledge slavery would amount to our being consumed by it. As a matter of fact, in the popular black imagination, it is easier for us to construct ourselves as children of Africa, as the sons and daughters of kings and queens, and thereby ignore the Middle Passage and centuries of enforced servitude in the Americas. Although some of us might indeed be the descendants of African royalty, most of us are probably descendants of their subjects, the daughters and sons of African peasants or workers.”
“Borscht is more than a soup, it's a weather vane. When my family says they want hot borscht I know winter is coming, and when they want cold borscht I know how far can spring be behind?”
“I'll have you weak in the knees that you could hardly speak, Or we could do like Uncle L and swing an ep in my Jeep.”
“It doesn’t matter who we are or where we’ve been, God sent His Son for us – that’s the beauty of the Gospel.”
“Give yourself enough time to really learn how to cook.”
“Love, no matter how you come at it, is a huge risk. It makes it easier for me to remember that God will never reject me because I am not good enough and that any community that has His heart will embrace me as I am. Jesus invites us into a community where imperfect people can find acceptance, love, forgiveness, and a new beginning.”
Source : Erwin Raphael McManus (2008). “Soul Cravings”, p.77, Thomas Nelson