#Thinking Quotes #Media Quotes #America Quotes
Source : Source: www.cbsnews.com
Source : "Questions and Answers With Creed Bratton". Interview with Kase Wickman, www.mtv.com. February 15, 2013.
“People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.”
Source : Emma Goldman (1914). “The Social Significance of the Modern Drama”
“You can't really judge characters, because that's when it gets really hard to play them.”
Source : "Ellen Pompeo: Mer-Der, she wrote". Interview with Lynette Rice, ew.com. May 6, 2008.
Barbara Bush
Former First Lady of the United States
George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
Hillary Clinton
Former United States Secretary of State
Jeb Bush
Former Governor of Florida
Jenna Bush
Michelle Obama
First Lady of the United States
Nancy Reagan
Former First Lady of the United States
William J. Clinton
42nd U.S. President