“Across professions, consistency is a direct product of work ethic.”
“....religion may be best be described as an emotion resting on a conviction of a harmony between ourselves and the universe at large.”
“I am also a Kentucky Colonel and an Honorary Mayor of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, among other things.”
“The true gospel is radically exclusive. Jesus is not a way; He is the way, and all other ways are no way at all. If Christianity would only move one small step toward a more tolerant ecumenicalism and exchange the definite article the for the indefinite article a, the scandal would be over, and the world and Christianity could become friends. However, whenever this occurs, Christianity ceases to be Christianity, Christ is denied, and the world is without a Savior.”
“Drums just always sounded like the most fun part of that good music for me.”
“I go through the same problems all young people go through. Being in this business, I accept that there are positives and negatives but having a strong family base and a belief in God enables me to weather the storms.”
“Champagne does have one regular drawback: swilled as a regular thing a certain sourness settles in the tummy, and the result is permanent bad breath. Really incurable.”
“I feel that women and men should free themselves up. It took me a while to get over my dysphoria about shopping in the men's section, trying on men's clothes, but when I was thinking about my life and the kind of woman I wanted to be, it was never just this by-the-book feminine thing.”
Source : Source: wwd.com