#Religion Quotes #Facts Quotes #Believer Quotes
“My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.”
“We continue, however, to write about important people, prize-winning people, blacks of grandeur, women of great fire, fame or wit. We do not write about ordinary people.”
“At our base level we are animals. And so, my theory is that women are only considered attractive as long as they look fertile because we, as humans, are made to reproduce and move on. And so we kind of can't ever get away from our animalistic nature, in a way.”
Source : Source: blogs.indiewire.com
“In the fullness of time, educated people will believe there is no soul independent of the body, and hence no life after death.”
“I think a 23-page ordinary comic is an investment for the artist, but if you're doing something 60 to 104 pages, that's a really big investment for an artist. So unless you've got someone who wants to pay you while you're doing it or up front, it's kind hard to get someone to do that with you, unless you're the artist yourself.”
“I got back in my car, starting the engine, then drove off. It wasn't until I pulled onto the highway that it all really sunk it, how temporary our friendship had been. We'd been on our breaks, after all, but it wasn't our relationships that were on pause: it was us. Now we were both in motion again, moving ahead. So what if there were questions left unanswered. Life went on. We knew that better than anyone.”
“Nature conservation is not a luxury, it is a necessity! It not wise or sensible to continue to destroy your environment if you want to have a sound, stable, healthy and prosperous Egypt whether now or in the future.”
“Tupac and I were just close friends because we had such an insatiable drive and passion for acting and entertainment.”
Zelda Fichandler Stage Director