#Motivational Quotes #Sports Quotes #Nfl Quotes
Source : John Aubrey (1962). “Brief lives”
Source : "Roman Vishniac (ICP library of photographers)" by Roman Vishniac, p. 42, 1974.
“To know the good is to react against the bad. Indifference is the mark of deprivation.”
“I look at a woman and I don't see what's wrong with her. I see what's right.”
Amos Alonzo Stagg
American football head coach
Ara Parseghian
American football player
Bear Bryant
Football player
Fielding H. Yost
Football head coach
Frank Leahy
American football player
Jim Thorpe
Olympic athlete
Lou Holtz
Football coach
Red Grange
American football player
Vince Lombardi
Football player