Source : "Meet the Press" with David Gregory, February 26, 2012.
#Jobs Quotes #California Quotes #Government Quotes
“Too often we worry about how the others react-but it's YOUR reaction that they monitor.”
Source : "An Introduction to English Poetry". Book by James Fenton, June 15, 2002.
Source : Source:
“He will be beginning a brand new chapter in the Michael Jackson legend.”
“My English is a mixture between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Archbishop Tutu.”
Fred DuVal
Gabrielle Giffords
Former United States Representative
Janet Napolitano
Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security
Jeff Sessions
United States Senator
Mary Fallin
Governor of Oklahoma
Nikki Haley
American Politician
Russell Pearce
American Politician
Sarah Palin
Former Governor of Alaska
Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office