“Us investigators who went out into the field were faced on occasion with a lot of anger, by people saying why has it taken you five or six year to come and see me?”
Source : "Investigator details charges". "NBC News Investigates", www.nbcnews.com. December 2, 2004.
“Work like there is someone working twenty-four hours a day to take it all away from you.”
Source : Twitter post from Jun 20, 2012
“We are racing toward a world of abundance, and we are going to be increasing the quality of life for everyone on this planet. The world's biggest problems are the world's biggest business opportunities.”
Source : "Peter Diamandis: Entrepreneur reaches to skies to benefit Earth" by Julian Guthrie, www.sfgate.com. July 5, 2014.
“I was actually supposed to be a basketball player, not an actress. My parents had me playing basketball on competitive teams when I was in kindergarten. Even though my heart belongs to the arts, I'm a tomboy at heart, too.”
“All of us, in a sense, struggle continuously all the time, because we never get what we want. The important thing which I've really learned is how do you not give up, because you never succeed in the first attempt.”
“Priests and conjurors are of the same trade.”
“As to the American tradition of non-meddling, Anarchism asks that it be carried down to the individual himself.”
“There was nothing for it but to pace through just behind or ahead of the spooling present that was never there, caught in the nonexistent interval between the nonexistent past and the nonexistent future.”