Source : Arthur Quinn (2012). “Figures of Speech: 60 Ways To Turn A Phrase”, p.5, Routledge
#Style Quotes #Frogs Quotes #Language Quotes
“If one were truly aware of the value of human life, to waste it blithely on distractions and the pursuit of vulgar ambitions would be the height of confusion.”
“Too many of us seem to be searching for something 'out there' to make our lives complete. What we are all really searching for is the divine essence that lives within.”
“I do not go outdoors. Not more than I have to. As far as I'm concerned, the whole point of living in New York City is indoors. You want greenery? Order the spinach.”
“I've figured out my learning curve. I can look at something and somehow know exactly how long it will take for me to learn it.”
“The second world war claimed tens of millions of victims”
“Latin music has many international influences - pop, rock, country, Brazilian sounds, and alternative styles.”
“and if i if i ever let love go because the hatred and the whisperings become a phantom dictate i o- bey in lieu of impulse and realities (the blossoming flamingos of my wild mimosa trees) then let love freeze me out. (from i must become a menace to my enemies)”
“We want to live forever, and we're getting there.”
Mark Forsyth Writer