#God Quotes #Doubt Quotes #Would Be Quotes
“The presidents varied in the degree to which they cited the founders. Some, like JFK, LBJ, [Richard] Nixon, and [Bill] Clinton, cited them somewhat frequently, in the range of 100 to 200 times, though, regrettably, not in a thematic or notably profound or even interesting way. Others, like Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, cited them rarely.”
“I wrote a play once called 'Lobby Hero,' which I thought turned out very well, but there's no final version of it. I published the one we produced, but there are seven other versions with different variations sitting in my desk at home.”
“I've never done coke or anything, and I've never played a character who has, so I don't know whether I would actually try coke if I had to play a character who took coke.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“One of the most persistent yet elusive dreams of the Modern Movement in architecture has been prefabrication: industrially made structures that can be assembled at a building site.”
“God always gave us light in our doubts, when we had no other design but to please Him.”
“Great leaders have no need for reputation. Reputation is what you are in public. Character is who you are in private.”
“I was endorsed by many corporations to work with their people. Since I had several hundred successful case histories, I realized that it was really valuable and everybody should have access to the information, so I started teaching seminars to groups of people.”
“Well, it made you famous.”
Akkineni Nagarjuna Film actor
Swami Vivekananda Author
Vyasa Author