#Jesus Quotes #Heart Quotes #May Quotes
“But it is possible that, in the days ahead, these years we have lived through may eventually be thought of simply as a period of disturbance and regression”
“An art which isn't based on feeling isn't an art at all... feeling is the principle, the beginning and the end; craft, objective, technique - all these are in the middle.”
“We did experiments with the Boston Symphony for many years where we measured the angles of incidence of sound arriving at the ears of the audience, then took the measurements back to MIT and analyzed them.”
“Theater is such a small community that every brilliant piece of theater raises us all up.”
Source : Source: www.thedailybeast.com
“Some have said that the thesis [of indeterminacy] is a consequence of my behaviorism. Some have said that it is a reductio ad absurdum of my behaviorism. I disagree with this second point, but I agree with the first. I hold further that the behaviorism approach is mandatory. In psychology one may or may not be a behaviorist, but in linguistics one has no choice.”
“There is no progress in art.”
“I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though.”
“Make sure you are passionate about the vision.”
Pope Benedict XIV
Pope Clement XIII
Pope Gregory XVI
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Pius IX
Pope Pius VI
Pope Pius X
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XII