“A mood can be a dangerous state of mind, because it can crush reason under the weight of feeling.”
Source : Ravi Zacharias (2009). “Zacharias 2 in 1-Jesus Among Other Gods & Deliver Us from Evil”, p.8, Thomas Nelson Inc
“I was writing songs as a kid about leprechauns and Catwoman and teapots - whatever it is that little girls wanna sing about. The first song I wrote was called "Kitten." It was about a boy named Liam, who I was just crazy about.”
“FANTASTIC! There is such clarity and so much humor in Stetch’s playing! I have always loved that about him.”
“What is a human-like droid that operates from a place of free will and has been designed to have a soul? That's fascinating stuff that you just can't quite comprehend quickly. It's not like playing a fireman with a wife and kid. You can gauge where that's going to go and what's going to happen, and you can talk to other people who have done it.”
Source : "Michael Ealy Talks ALMOST HUMAN, Connection to His Character, Finding His Performance, Approaching the Humor, and More". Interview with Christina Radish, collider.com. December 8, 2013.
“1,2,3, I'm at the Chelsey Hotel, like, Sid and Nancy, with knife, and two grams of candy”
“Since unhappiness excites interest, many, in order to render themselves interesting, feign unhappiness.”
“Perfection is not very communicative”
“Even when the facts are available, most people seem to prefer the legend, and refuse to believe the truth when it in any way dislodges the myth.”