Source : "PBS' Newshour" with Jim Lehrer, December 20, 1999.
#Rights Quotes #Choices Quotes #Independence Quotes
Source : Karl Marlantes (2011). “What It Is Like to Go to War”, p.65, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
“Bush is giving the rich a tax cut instead of putting that cut in the pockets of working people.”
“Lord, make me a blessing to someone today”
Source : Jan Karon (2006). “The Mitford Bedside Companion: A Treasury of Favorite Mitford Moments, Author Reflections on the Bestselling Se lling Series, and More. Much More.”, p.160, Penguin
“Don't take your bad shots home with you.”
Source : Anthony David Lema, Tony Lema (1966). “Champagne Golf”
Source : William Robertson Smith (1907). “Religion of the Semites (Ppr)”, p.17, Transaction Publishers
Bob Barr
Former United States Representative
Gary Bauer
Herman Cain
Mitt Romney
Former Governor of Massachusetts
Pat Buchanan
Former Assistant to the President for Communications
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sarah Palin
Former Governor of Alaska
Steve Forbes