#Suffering Quotes #Going Away Quotes #Life Is Quotes
“I hear hate. I hear people who clearly don't have a great understanding of the American dream. That the American dream is based on hard work and dedication, determination, resilience, excitement, mentorship, help and love for each other.”
Source : Source: www.pbs.org
“Christmas makes everything twice as sad.”
“It's gross. We use real brains. I think they're lamb or cow or something. Intestines smell. Brains don't really smell, but what's amazing about the brain is that it's almost like scrambled eggs or soft tofu, almost like a gel. The brain controls so much of what we do, but you could put your finger right through it.”
“I'm pretty proud of everything I've done.”
“The march is a way to get in celebration mode.”
“The primary difference between rich people and poor people is how they handle fear”
“When they die no one will ever know that once they lived.”
“If my daughter wants to get into this business, I would support that decision. She's going to have a hard time not being in it. She loves food and she's around it all the time.”
David King of Israel
Michelangelo Sculptor
Moses Prophet
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi