Pope Pius IX
"Because God knows, searches and clearly understands the minds, hearts, thoughts, and nature of all, his supreme kindness and clemency do not permit anyone at all who is not guilty of deliberate sin to suffer eternal punishments." --
Pope Pius IX
#Kindness Quotes
#Heart Quotes
#Punishment Quotes
“Wealth is created from creating value.”
“To use Newton's words, our efforts up till this moment have but turned over a pebble or shell here and there on the beach, with only a forlorn hope that under one of them was the gem we were seeking. Now we have the sieve, the minds, the hands, the time, and, particularly, the dedication to find those gems-no matter in which favorite hiding place the children of distant worlds have placed them.”
“It's so fine and yet so terrible to stand in front of a blank canvas.”
“In that tremendous flash of freedom, on my way to do The Thing for the first time, sanctioned by Almighty Harry, I receded, faded back into the scenery of my own dark self, whole the other me crouched and growled. I would do It at last, do what I had been created to do. And I did.”
“For rarely man escapes his destiny.”
“I like fiction that deals with matters that are of burning importance to us in our private lives. And not all short stories are like that. In general, short stories - and maybe this is a little bit off-topic - but I think short stories have this bad association with, like, waiting rooms.”
Source : Source: therumpus.net
“...balance the budget ? Tax religion.”
“If we would only see that all limitations are self imposed and chosen out of fear, we would leap at once.”