“If I'm doing something its coming from a kind heart.”
“Words can fall hard like a boulder loosed from a cliff. Words can drift unnoticed like a weed seed on a breeze. Words can sing.”
“The world is a beautiful place, travel has been my greatest teacher, my close friends and folks are the greatest givers. I even have a ring of support around my bed as I type … Goodbye world. Spread good energy. Pay it forward!”
Source : Lawrence Ferlinghetti (1994). “These are My Rivers: New & Selected Poems, 1955-1993”, p.73, New Directions Publishing
“I want to show that the underdog can win. I believe were all the same: you, a slum girl, my mother.”
“With a written agreement you have a prayer; with a verbal agreement you have nothing but air.”
Source : Robert Ringer (2013). “Winning through Intimidation: How to Be the Victor, Not the Victim, in Business and in Life”, p.107, Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
“If your heart has peace, nothing can disturb you.”
“The pain that's created by avoiding hard work is actually much worse than any pain created from the actual work itself. Because if you don't begin to work on those ideas that God has blessed you with, they will become stagnant inside of you and eventually begin to eat away at you. You might seem OK on the outside, but inside you will be ill from not getting those ideas out of your heart and into the world. Stalling leads to sickness. But taking steps, even baby steps, always leads to success.”
“There are only two roads, victory for the working class, freedom, or victory for the fascists which means tyranny. Both combatants know what's in store for the loser.”
Source : The Toronto Daily Star, August 5, 1936.