Tom Upton
"Librarians are notorious snitches—don’t let anybody convince you otherwise."
Source : Tom Upton (2016). “Fading Away”, p.90, Tom Upton
Tom Upton
#Snitch Quotes
#Librarian Quotes
#Notorious Quotes
“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.”
“Gay people don’t actually try to convert people. That’s Jehovah’s Witnesses you’re thinking of.”
“All teenage girls like to look good and tennis players are no different.”
“In worship we have our neighbors to right and left, before and behind, yet the Eternal Presence is over all and beneath all. Worship does not consist in achieving a mental state of concentrated isolation from one’s fellows. But in depth of common worship it is as if we found our separate lives were all one life, within whom we live and move and have our being.”
“It is not time that changes man nor knowledge the only thing that can change someone's mind is love.”
“But the Fear (that sensation that all writers get of how the hell do words get from my puny little brain to into a book, and isn't magic somehow involved, and surely I'm not qualified to be involved in any part of that process, and I somehow managed that tomorrow, but you mean I have to do it this morning too, well how do I even start?) withdraws quite a bit when it's already light and lovely outside when I get to my desk. So I got right past that big moment today, and into the fun slide down towards the ending, yelling whee.”
“I don't feel like a dream girl, but I think it's really nice. I guess a part of me wishes I got that sort of attention in my real life. Because in my real life, I'm this weird, dorky girl who just hangs out with her dog.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“After 20 years in the game, I was fortunate to get away from the game and enjoy my family, which was great for me.”