Source : Labour Party Annual Conference Report, (p. 188), 1976.
James Callaghan#War Quotes #Cutting Quotes #Thinking Quotes
“Life is precious, fragile, fleeting - and Murphy's life was one of my favorites.”
Source : Stopford Augustus Brooke (1889). “Poems”
“You know you have more to offer, and it gets frustrating when you aren't given the chance.”
Alec Douglas-Home
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Anthony Eden
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Clement Attlee
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Edward Heath
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Harold MacMillan
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Harold Wilson
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
John Major
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Michael Foot
Former Leader of the Labour Party