“Nothing — the only perfection, the only absolute. Infinite and eternal nothing.”
“I don't sweat the Internet. You know, it's still something I enjoy as a movie geek myself to get on and, like, look at all the websites; however, when it comes to marketing a movie, the Internet is still not the thing that gets people to the theatre.”
Source : Interview with Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, collider.com. March 26, 2008.
“Symbols are to the mind what tools are to the hand--an extended application of its powers.”
Source : Dion Fortune (2000). “The Mystical Qabalah”, p.28, Weiser Books
“The business of finding a nation's soul is a long and slow one at the best and a great many prophets must be slain in the course of it. Perhaps when we have slain enough prophets future generations will begin to build their tombs.”
Source : Ralph Vaughan Williams (1987). “National Music: And Other Essays”, Oxford University Press, USA
“Nobody knows anything. I deal with people in all walks of life, some of whom should have some idea of what they're doing. And they're all clueless. It's astonishing that any bridges stay up, or that planes don't constantly plummet from the sky. It's heartening, in a strange way.”
“Much of the most important evils that mankind have to consider are those which they inflict upon each other through stupidity or malevolence or both.”
“Our Muslim friends must learn from previous waves of immigration.”
Source : Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“There is no more foul or relentless enemy of man in the occult world than this dead-alive creature spewed up from the grave.”
Source : "Fictional character: Professor Zelin". "Mark of the Vampire", www.imdb.com. 1935.