Source : "Geithner: We Care About A Strong Dollar, Really" by Joe Weisenthal, November 11, 2009.
#Strong Quotes #Believe Quotes #Important Quotes
“Even melon grown in shade will ripen in the end.”
Source : "Fictional character: Charlie Chan". "Docks of New Orleans", 1948.
“entertainment for entertainment's sake is the most expensive form of death ...”
“The quest for meaning is the key to mental health and human flourishing”
Source : Steven M. Greer (1999). “Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications”, Crossing Point Incorporated
Alan Greenspan
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Ben Bernanke
Henry Paulson
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
Jacob Lew
United States Secretary of the Treasury
Lawrence Summers
Former Undersecretary for International Affairs
Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Chicago
Richard S. Fuld, Jr.
Robert Rubin
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury