#Struggle Quotes #Alive Quotes #Tradition Quotes
“Your behavior is based on your beliefs, and what you do and say, over and over again, helps develop your habits.”
“Humans remain entirely atmosphere dependent, so there is no choice but to respond to extreme climatic behaviour and its many effects.”
“What do I like in a girl? I like a girl that likes me, a girl that knows how to smile and see the bright side of things. A girl that makes me a better person.”
“The safety of our country demands an end to the doctrinaire, ineffective policies that currently grip Washington. Enough is enough! A safe America - a just America - that's what we want, that's what we need.”
“The Gong Show provided me with five years of the happiest times of my life, but that's that. And to be known as the guy who gave the world The Gong Show - listen, my Uncle George isn't known as anything. So I guess it isn't so bad in that context.”
“A boy's mind is not so easily sullied as a girl's.... Undesirable knowledge is not an equal shock to the moral nature.”
Source : Elizabeth Missing Sewell (1866). “Principles of Education, Drawn from Nature and Revelation, and Applied to Female Education in the Upper Classes”, p.397
“I spent, as you know, a year and a half in a clergyman's family and heard almost every Tuesday the very best, most earnest and most impressive preacher it has ever been my fortune to meet with, but it produced no effect whatever on my mind.”
“The painter who strives to represent reality must transcend his own perception. He must ignore or override the very mechanismsin his mInd that create objects out of images(symbols)... The artist, like the eye, must provide true images and the clues of distance to tell his magic lies.”
Dylan Thomas Poet
Oscar Milosz Poet
R. S. Thomas Poet
William Carlos Williams Poet
Zbigniew Herbert Poet