“But beyond the bright searchlights of science, Out of sight of the windows of sense, Old riddles still bid us defiance, Old questions of Why and of Whence.”
“Before you went to work this morning in the city, did you spend some time with your family? Did you kiss your wife and tell her that she's pretty?”
“Each organism, no matter how simple or complex, has around it a sacred bubble of space, a bit of mobile territoriality which only a few other organisms are allowed to penetrate and then only for short periods of time.”
“You just don't go in there with Tiger Woods and say, ‘Oh, do this.' Sean Foley was quoted, a month after he worked with Tiger, as saying ‘You can't get this guy to listen to anything.'”
“I think you can get away with being a bit more political in science fiction.”
Source : "'Snow white' director believes he can make 'Halo' movie work" by Terry Schwartz, www.mtv.com. May 23, 2012.
“Those who see what's obvious aren't necessarily brighter than others. They're just more likely to observe that the emperor is naked. Like children, they see what's actually there. Their perceptions are less clouded by belief systems, taboos, habits of thought. One responsibility of management--an important one--is to call attention to the invisible obvious, pointing it out as a child does (sometimes to the embarrassment of adults). Doing so also requires supporting employees who take that risk, too, and other risks as well.”
Source : Richard Farson, Ralph Keyes (2003). “Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins”, p.76, Simon and Schuster
“Nothing is achieved by a mind that doubts”
“Even in its third century, America is still the most meritocratic nation in the world.”