#Family Quotes #Freedom Quotes #Home Quotes
“Our mantra was simplicity.”
“A sort of melancholy, and regret, seizes us every time we meet a sophisticated, adulterated idiot. Oh the nice fools of yestertime! Genuine, natural. Like homemade bread.”
“Let each person do his or her part. If one citizen is unwilling to participate, all of us are going to suffer. For the American idea, though it is shared by all of us, is realized in each one of us.”
“This is very positive for our community...The educational facilities in our area are enjoying advanced broadband services over a state-of-the-art 4G wireless network”
“man is by nature designed to live in the polis, the highest form of koinonia, community; that is man's end or goal if he achieves the full potentiality of his nature.”
Source : "Democracy Ancient And Modern". Book by Moses Finley (Second Edition). Chapter 3, Democracy, Consensus and National Interest, p. 90, 1985.
“The erosion of agency has consequences for our politics. As a result of all this, the fundamental ethical challenge of the anthropocene is the recovery of agency, or alternatively to come to terms with its loss and to understand how to go on.”
“Everything about it worked, and I don't mean just the movie, but in our experience, we realized there's also a component of luck involved in this business. We had absolutely the most competent people in the studio working on the release and ad campaign.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“And what rules of economy dictate that a boy without a foot is more whole than a girl without a tongue?”
David Riesman Attorney
Frederick Leboyer Author
George Gaylord Simpson
J. P. Guilford Psychologist
Janet Taylor Spence