Source : "Bob Brown and the media: 'I'll take them on ... they've crossed the line'". Interview with John Keane, June 2, 2011.
#Fundamentals Quotes #Goodness Quotes #Humans Quotes
“I got my dog back, in African-American language, your dog means your passion, your fire.”
“We were not made to eternally weep.”
Source : Countee Cullen, “From The Dark Tower”
Source : "The astonishing hidden world of the deep ocean". TED Talk, February, 2008.
Julia Gillard
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Kevin Rudd
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Paul Watson
Penny Wong
Australian Senator
Wayne Swan
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
Christine Milne
Australian Senator
Richard Di Natale
Australian Politician
Sarah Hanson-Young
Australian Senator
Tanya Plibersek
Member of the Australian Parliament