#Fighting Quotes #Order Quotes #Law Quotes
“Ireland is a little country which raises all the great questions.”
Source : Source: wwd.com
Source : Ronald J. Sider (2005). “Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity”, p.58, Thomas Nelson Inc
“If you do the math, films featuring women are a good investment.”
Source : "Guest Interview: Geoffrey S. Fletcher: Writer, Director of 'Violet & Daisy'". Interview with Justine Browning, www.indiewire.com. June 17, 2013.
Alfred Hermann Fried
Alfred Nobel
Bertha von Suttner
Carl von Ossietzky
Peace activist
Christian Lous Lange
Political figure
Fredrik Bajer
Hjalmar Branting
Swedish Politician
Klas Pontus Arnoldson
Swedish Politician