Source : Nancy Hale (1988). “The Prodigal Women”, Plume
#World Quotes #Fingers Quotes
“It could plausibly be argued that far from Christian theology having hampered the study of nature for fifteen hundred years, it was Greek corruptions of biblical Christianity which hampered it.”
“For comedians, we're all kind of tweeting our thoughts instead of spending time developing them. You can gauge how good a joke might be by how many times it gets retweeted, but it takes discipline to go back through the tweets and then develop jokes from them.”
“Timeless comes to mind. When you listen to it, you can't tell what year the thing was made. And you don't even care.”
“Practiced poorly, tourism can be extremely negative.”
“I am a little bit of a foul mouth and I just like to give it back to people.”
“Real fear is like intense pain. It's there to warn you something's truly wrong.”
“I like to have memories of a place. It brings something extra. I'm not even sure what it is. I mean, it's the same part of it as I like using friends in small parts or people I know or my doorman.”
Source : Source:
“When you're teenager, your hormones and your emotions are so tumultuous and so unpredictable. You're just trying to understand yourself.”
Antonia White Writer
Edward Everett Hale Author