#Philosophical Quotes #Political Quotes #Finals Quotes
“Dignity is more important to the human spirit than wealth.”
Source : "The Marriage of Love & Power". Interview with Gina Murdock, www.marandapleasantmedia.com.
“Just film what's there, trust what came before, one hour before, and make it easy.”
Source : Usenet article, 2003.
Source : Hannah Arendt (1966). “The origins of totalitarianism”
“Some loves come unbidden like winds from the sea, and others grow from the seeds of friendship.”
Source : "‘Wake up, gentlemen’, world’s top bankers warned by former Fed chairman Volcker" by Patrick Hosking and Suzy Jagger, www.thetimes.co.uk. December 9, 2009.
“I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed.”
Source : Song: The Rose