Source : "Walberg, Rooney clash over abortion" by Alex Isenstadt, May 17, 2010.
#America Quotes #Priorities Quotes #Pro Life Quotes
Source : Sonia Sanchez (2010). “I’m Black When I’m Singing, I’m Blue When I Ain’t and Other Plays”, p.17, Duke University Press
“With my runners now, they get two month-long breaks during the year.”
Source : Interview with Amby Burfoot, April 8, 2012.
“I come from a very, very Catholic family. We used to pray the rosary every day after dinner.”
“It is easy to be clever if you leave something important out.”
Bill Huizenga
U.S. Representative
Candice S. Miller
U.S. Representative
Dan Benishek
U.S. Representative
Dan Kildee
U.S. Representative
David Trott
United States Representative
Fred Upton
U.S. Representative
John Conyers
U.S. Representative
Justin Amash
U.S. Representative
Sander Levin
United States Representative