“Eulogy is nice, but one does not learn anything from it.”
Source : Dame Ellen Terry (1908). “The Story of My Life: Recollections and Reflections”
“Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is.”
Source : "What's So Great About America". Book by Dinesh D'Souza. Chapter 6: "America the Beautiful", 2002.
Source : "Eco-designs on future cities" by Jo Twist, news.bbc.co.uk. July 14, 2005.
Jerry Moran
United States Senator
Kathleen Sebelius
United States Secretary of Health and Human Services
Kevin Yoder
United States Representative
Mike Pompeo
U.S. Representative
Pat Roberts
United States Senator
Paul LePage
Governor of Maine
Tim Huelskamp
U.S. Representative
Kris Kobach
Secretary of State of Kansas