“I get up early, but it doesn't mean I like getting up early.”
“When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the Now, Being can be felt, but it can never be understood mentally.”
“Manipulating people is what's so fun about poker. I love that you can just look into someone's eyes and lie - and it's perfectly acceptable.”
“This, at last, was where things were as they ought to be. Everything was in its place -- the tree, the earth underneath, the rock, the moss. In autumn, it would be right; in winter under the snow, it would be perfect in its wintriness. Spring would come again and miracle within miracle would unfold, each at its special pace, some things having died off, some sprouting in their first spring, but all of equal and utter rightness.”
“I mean I do whatever I need to do to get into character. Sometimes it's being incredibly quiet and sometimes it's being loose and goofy.”
Source : "Q&A – Brendan Sexton III (Belko Royce)". Interview with Veronica Hsieh, www.amc.com. September 2011.
“There have been misperceptions that we're trying to make all the information open on Facebook, and that's completely false. There are big buckets of information that we recommend that you share with only your friends privately. Then some of the more basic information, we recommend that that's visible to everyone.”
“True benevolence or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation.”
“In 1980 I was a red kid and no one could have said anything bad about the Soviet Union. At least this is how my grandfather used to remember me. Around 1981, I became a pro-capitalist person and it stuck.”
Source : "Helmut Schmidt on global warming". Lubos Motl's blog, motls.blogspot.nl. June 5, 2007.