Source : "South Africa: Extremes in Black and Whites" by Scott Macleod, Time Magazine (p. 38), March 9, 1992.
Source : Timothy Shay Arthur (1888). “The Wedding Guest: a Friend of the Bride and Bridegroom”
“Your trading needs to boil down to rules, money management, and that is it.”
“The creative process is like music which takes root with extraordinary force and rapidity”
“Each of us has his own rhythm of suffering.”
Source : "Camera Lucida". Book by Roland Barthes, 1980.
Chris Hani
Political leader
Denzel Washington
Desmond Tutu
Frantz Fanon
Frederik Willem de Klerk
Former State President of South Africa
Mamphela Ramphele
Medical doctor
Nelson Mandela
Former President of South Africa
Oliver Tambo
South African Politician
Robert Sobukwe
Political figure