Source : Candace Wheeler (1918). “Yesterdays in a Busy Life”
#Magazines Quotes #Ability Quotes
“Money is a guarantee that we can have what we want in the future”
“Solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur is the cradle of thought and aspirations which are not only good for the individual, but which society can ill do without.”
“I don't want to be looking inside my ego, my stuff, my achievements, my me, me, me, me, I hate that stuff. I just want to be out there eh to the last day of my life ah interested in the world, in causes, in helping other people. Um that doesn't mean that I don't have a spiritual practice, that I don't look at my own soul, that I don't prepare myself for the that transition that death is but I cannot sit in meditation to contemplate my navel for the rest of my life. That would be boring for me.”
“A diva is someone who is a perfectionist, who does her best in her craft.”
“As a human being, I'm work in process.”
“But he alone having reached our deep corruption, he alone having taken upon himself our labors, he alone having suffered the punishments due for our impieties, having recovered us who were not half dead merely, but were already in tombs and sepulchers, and altogether foul and offensive, saves us, both anciently and now, by his beneficent zeal, beyond the expectation of any one, even of ourselves, and imparts liberally of the Father's benefits-he who is the giver of life and light, our great Physician and King and Lord, the Christ of God.”
“Dams have harmed our wildlife and made rivers less useful for recreation.”
“Any form of measuring yourself by the unkind action of another towards you is like looking into a badly fractured mirror... and then blaming yourself for the shattered image you see therein.”
Elsie de Wolfe Actress
Louis Comfort Tiffany Artist
Randall Park Actor