#Leaving Quotes #Way Quotes #Trouble Quotes
“How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? ... The end of living and the beginning of survival.”
“We are not called to be safe, we are simply promised that when we are in danger, God is right there with us. And there is no better place to be than in His hands.”
“The tools I learned photographing celebrities, now I want to use them to sell ideas.”
“You seem in England to be entirely ignorant of the temper of our people.”
“Those that say they despise riches are saints or liars.”
“Severe illness isolates those in close contact with it, because it inevitably narrows the focus of concern. To a certain extent this can lead to healing, but not if the circle of concern is so tight that it cannot be broken into, or out of.”
“New Yorkers are mostly interested in New York - in case you haven't noticed.”
“Only as long as we believe in our own identity over time does it make sense for us to make future plans, avoid risks, and treat our fellow human beings fairly - for the consequences of our actions will, in the end, always concern ourselves.”
Source : Source: www.3ammagazine.com
Gordon Getty Musical composer
Lenny Bruce Comedian
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poet
William Wordsworth Poet