#Two Quotes #Style Quotes #Three Quotes
“I strive to express the spiritual nature of the universe.”
Source : Richard Pousette-Dart, Judith Higgins, Paul Kruty (1986). “Transcending Abstraction: Richard Pousette-Dart, Paintings 1939-1985”
“I hated having to be someplace on time, it took away so many potential orgasms.”
Source : Gini Koch (2011). “Alien in the Family”, p.43, Penguin
“I like to try anything... You have to do the experiments to find out what the formulas are.”
“I don't know why anybody does anything in the world of television.”
“People hear what they want and expect to hear, not what is said.”
Andrew Sarris
Film critic
Armond White
Film critic
James Wolcott
Manny Farber
Pauline Kael
Film critic
Renata Adler
Robert Hughes
Art critic
Vincent Canby
Film critic
Nicholas Lemann