“Worship is about encounter-coming into God's presence”
“I think I'm a better director than I ever was an actor. I'd love to go back to acting, but nobody seems to want me.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“I can think of so many tough guys that by definition it's their job to be tough and they're all in chapel. That's such a misconception and it's kind of gone out the window. Guys feel more comfortable going to chapel. I remember when I first started, guys were nervous about it and it was kind of a secret. There was still that stigma that came with it, but it's definitely been removed and (the faith movement) is definitely growing.”
“Our faith should be expressed in working toward a better planet for our children and not the selfish, juvenile hope for a better afterlife for ourselves. I don't think anyone is going to Hell, because it only exists in the minds of people who wish ill will on others.”
Source : "Punk Rockers Knock Christmas" by Brent Bozell, townhall.com. December 20, 2013.
“War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.”
“Now I'm back in LA, it's high time to finish a little something I've been working on...”
Source : Edgarwright @edgarwright, twitter.com. October 2, 2013.
“It is my province to teach to the church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent.”
“I'm a history geek and I love American history. It's so bizarre and so problematic and I love the many conundrums that it represents. You can go down so many black holes.”