#Matter Quotes #Doe Quotes #Please Quotes
“The hours spent viewing TV are hours not available for actively participating in the real world, or playing, or being involved with friends and family. Watching television is an individual activity that tends to discourage interaction with others; as viewing time increases, family communication time decreases. As family communication decreases, people grow more distant from each other and may even forget how to carry on a good conversation.”
“I remember my wife in white.' It just made people weep to hear it...Everybody just thought it was the saddest sentence that was ever written. And it didn't matter if I never wrote another word. This one sentence had put an end to the need for any future sentences. I had said it all.”
“In life we often look to others for simple, but difficult answers, despite the fact that we have those answers ourselves.”
“Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”
“The Olympics is not for tennis and tennis does not need the Olympics. It is not my goal in life to win a gold medal.”
“Mighty prayer has often been produced by mighty trial.”
“Refrain from drink which is the source of all evil-and the ruin of half the workmen in this Country.”
“The mysteriousness and mystique of space is such, that science fiction attempts to tantalize you by telling you a story that could possibly be out there and that's the appeal of science fiction.”
Henry Lawson Writer
Victor Wooten Bass player