“I feel I am a little bit older. Reckon I will start growing a beard next week.”
“Language casts sheaves of reality upon the social body, stamping it and violently shaping it.”
Source : Monique Wittig (1992). “The Straight Mind: And Other Essays”, Beacon Press (MA)
“The clergy are at present divided into three sections: an immense body who are ignorant; a small proportion who know and are silent; and a minute minority who know and speak according to their knowledge.”
“It may be a movement towards becoming like little children to admit that we are generally nothing else.”
Source : Charles Williams (2016). “Descent Into Hell”, p.50, Wipf and Stock Publishers
“I am convinced that there are genuine and valid levels of perception available with cannabis (and probably with other drugs) which are, through the defects of our society and our educational system, un-available to us without such drugs.”
“He was not bound. No one led him by the arm. He got out of the carriage as if he were a free man.”
“I actually cut my sentences a lot. I'm very aware of the actor, giving them too many words - just a mouthful of words - it's difficult sometimes for an actor. So I'm kind of aware of breaking sometimes the line, the sentence with a comma where maybe there wouldn't be a comma there. Just to give a breathing space for the actor, just to be aware of that.”
“We are not peddlers of the fashionable. We believe that good design defies fashion, is truly innovative, eminently sensible, yet a source of inspiration to those who have the pleasure of living with it.”