“You can do one of two things. You can bury you head in the sand and believe what everyone tells you - that you will always be that young, that thin and that fabulous. Or you can use all the things you have - talent, contacts, knowledge - and do something different.”
“Freedom of expression is the well-spring of our civilization... The history of civilization is in considerable measure the displacement of error which once held sway as official truth by beliefs which in turn have yielded to other truths. Therefore the liberty of man to search for truth ought not to be fettered, no matter what orthodoxies he may challenge.”
“There is no secret formula--only a life committed to a close walk with God.”
“Perhaps this is an area where every generation starts from scratch. Although the crisis of the First World War inaugurated an especially strong period of disillusion with regard to the optimism of the previous age, the pattern has repeated itself in many ways in more recent times, e.g., the loss of faith in politics as a means of advancing human well-being. And perhaps this also has to do with basic elements in growing up.”
Source : "Towards hope". Interview with Richard Marshall, www.3ammagazine.com. July 18, 2014.
“I am in favor of preserving the French habit of kissing the hands of ladies. After all one must start somewhere.”
“Amy [Winehouse] changed pop music forever, I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz, she lived the blues.”
“I like to highlight people's superpowers.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“There's a little blackness inside all of us.”
Source : Cassia Leo (2014). “Black Box”, p.38, Gloss Publishing