Source : Grover Cleveland, United States. President (1885-1889 : Cleveland), United States. President (1893-1897 : Cleveland) (1968). “Grover Cleveland, 1837-1908: chronology, documents, bibliographical aids”
Grover Cleveland#People Quotes #Political Quotes #Agents Quotes
Source : "Q&A - Ruben Santiago-Hudson (Lt. Charles Dawson)". AMC interview,
“If the (British) Arts Council give you money, they also tell you how to spend it.”
Source : "Cnbc’s Chief International Correspondent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera Speaks With Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos". Interview with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, January 15, 2012.
“There are only two forces that unite men - fear and interest.”
Benjamin Harrison
23rd U.S. President
Chester A. Arthur
21st U.S. President
Franklin Pierce
14th U.S. President
James A. Garfield
20th U.S. President
James Buchanan
15th U.S. President
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th U.S. President
William Henry Harrison
9th U.S. President
William Howard Taft
27th U.S. President
William McKinley
25th U.S. President