“If I can't really find a way to live with myself, I can't expect anyone else to live with me.”
Source : "The Hollywood Book of Extravagance: The Totally Infamous, Mostly Disastrous, and Always Compelling Excesses of America's Film and TV Idols". Book by James Robert Parish, p. 95, 2007.
“I can weep pretty easily. I can get tears in my eyes from a beautiful work of art.”
Source : "Nick Flynn on Fatherhood, Suicide, Torture, Love, and Being Lost". Interview with Tom Matlack, www.huffingtonpost.com. April 09, 2010.
“In my time as Archbishop of Canterbury I've seen a growing sense of unity and mission.”
Source : "Archbishop of Canterbury speaks out". "The Religion Report" with Stephen Crittenden, www.abc.net.au. September 25, 2002.
Denzel Washington
John Turturro
Josh Brolin
Nate Ruess
Quentin Tarantino
Film director
Samuel L. Jackson
Film actor
Spike Jonze
Tyler Perry
Wesley Snipes