#Thinking Quotes #Trying Quotes #Looks Quotes
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Source : "Vesalius in Zante (1564)" st. 12 (1902)
Source : Russell Kirk (1978). “The conservative mind: from Burke to Eliot”
“I don't use simple words. I make games and puzzles with my songs.”
“The key to getting the most from choice is to be choosy about choosing.”
Source : "How to make choosing easier". TED conference, www.ted.com. November, 2011.
“I mean, I love to try and cook. I'm pretty good, but I'm not saying I'm great.”
Anne Hathaway
Christian Bale
Hans Zimmer
Film composer
Heath Ledger
Jonathan Nolan
Television writer
Michael Caine
Quentin Tarantino
Film director
Tom Hardy
Zack Snyder
Film director