#Government Quotes #History Quotes #Historical Quotes
“I love the French detective series 'Spiral.' It's quite brutal to watch, but I'm already hooked.”
“I must stop him from being one of those who call themselves good because they have no claws.”
“A poet is a time mechanic not an embalmer.”
Source : Jack Spicer (2010). “My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer”, p.196, Wesleyan University Press
“He who helps destroy the boll-weevil has done as constructive work as he who plants the seed.”
Source : Rupert Hughes (1940). “Why I Quit Going to Church: With Answers to Critics and Correspondents”
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Charles de Gaulle
Former President of the French Republic
Helmut Kohl
Former Chancellor of Germany
Helmut Schmidt
Former Chancellor of Germany
Jean Monnet
Political figure
Ludwig Erhard
Former Chancellor of Germany
Nikita Khrushchev
Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Walter Ulbricht
German Politician
Willy Brandt
Former Chancellor of Germany