William Cecil Dampier
"The fundamental concepts of physical science, it is now understood, are abstractions, framed by our mind, so as to bring order to an apparent chaos of phenomena." --
Source : William Cecil Dampier Dampier-Whetham M.A., F.R.S. (1931). “A History of Science and its Relations with Philosophy & Religion”
William Cecil Dampier
#Science Quotes
#Order Quotes
#Mind Quotes
“It is more tolerable to be refused than deceived.”
“The most important thing is to be happy myself with what I am doing.”
“When you're in the public eye, it's wrong to cheat on someone, unless you're very careful. If you're normal and no one's going to know, then do it.”
“Becoming involved in sports and traveling the world and seeing how people of color were treated around the world, and America being such a great nation, probably the greatest nation in the world, I think that the thing that would destroy this nation more than anything is the inequality that we have amongst people of color.”
Source : Source: www.pbs.org
“If you are experiencing confusion, pain, and suffering, it may be that God is working things out for you in his own way. It is most often the sovereign work of our God unfolding a master plan known only to him.”
“The pursuit of the difficult makes men strong”
“If Reagan wins, I'd sell the farm and buy a bomb shelter.”
“Life is not about making dough or how many movies you can make in a year. It's about finding someone that you can share things with.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.