Source : "'A Front Line Between North and South'". Interview with Fiona Ehlers and Hans Hoyng, August 06, 2012.
#Breakup Quotes #Europe Quotes #Government Quotes
“So I had all the names, three names, and that's good to have on a soap.”
Source : "Shirley Valentine". Book by Willy Russell, 1986.
“I don't like spinach, and I'm glad I don't, because if I liked it I'd eat it, and I just hate it.”
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Former Prime Minister of Italy
Gianfranco Fini
Italian Politician
Giorgio Napolitano
President of Italy
Lucas Papademos
Former Prime Minister of Greece
Mario Draghi
Pier Luigi Bersani
Italian Politician
Romano Prodi
Italian Politician
Silvio Berlusconi
Former Prime Minister of Italy
Matteo Renzi
Prime Minister of Italy