Source : "Behn Zeitlin, ‘Beasts Of The Southern Wild’ Director, Explains Why He Pitched His Film As ‘A League Of Their Own’". Interview with Mike Ryan, June 29, 2012.
Source : Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D. (2007). “Pay Attention, for Goodness' Sake: Practicing the Perfections of the Heart--The Buddhist Path of Kindness”, p.84, Ballantine Books
“You just never know. Crazy things happen in elections.”
Source : Source:
“I studied at a grammar school and later at the University of Vienna in the Faculty of Medicine.”
Source : "Vanity flair". Interview with Janine Gibson, December 10, 2007.
Ang Lee
Film director
Daniel Day-Lewis
David O. Russell
Film director
Dwight Henry
Film actor
Emmanuelle Riva
Film actress
Jacki Weaver
Theatre actress
Kathryn Bigelow
Film director
Michael Haneke
Film director
Quvenzhane Wallis
Film actress