#Believe Quotes #Choices Quotes #Legacy Quotes
“There is a God and He is good, and his love, while free, has a self imposed cost: We must be good to one another.”
“Something is wrong here, and it's more than easy access to guns or violence on TV. It's about lack of love and attachment to loving people early in life.”
“The life of a character should be an unbroken line of events and emotions, but a play only gives us a few moments on that line - we must create the rest to portray a convincing life.”
“I'm not convinced that what are traditionally considered to be male energies or qualities or female energies or qualities really have as much to do with gender as many people think they do.”
“I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, especially when people start questioning me.”
“The prerequisite that people have a scientific or engineering degree or a medical degree limits the number of female astronauts. Right now, still, we have about 20 per cent of people who have that prerequisite who are female. So hey, girls: Embrace the very fun career of science and technology. Look at computer science. That's what I did.”
Source : Source: www.macleans.ca
“The observations that have developed over the years have given us perspective about where we fit in. We are newcomers, really recent arrivals on a planet that is four and a half billion years old.”
“Art that serves an artist best is an experiment in expanding awareness.”
Bonnie L. Oscarson
Carole M. Stephens
Cheryl A. Esplin
Dallin H. Oaks Author
David L. Beck
Dieter F. Uchtdorf Aviator
Linda K. Burton
Linda S. Reeves
Rosemary M. Wixom